U.M.S.A.'s Prize for the researcher with the best intellectual production during 2007-2012

On November 29th 2012, in a ceremony that it took place at the U.M.S.A.'s Hall of Honor, I have received the Prize for the best intellectual production granted by the U.M.S.A.'s Department of Research, Postgraduation, and Social Interaction (DIPGIS) and sponsored by the Sweden Cooperation (ASDI-SAREC). This iniciative is laudable in the Bolivian universities because the prize encourages the researchers to make an effort in order to publish their works, a task that in Bolivia is not easy but it is very important. Publications allow the scientists to become visible in the scientific world and at the same time they constitute the demonstration on the research quality. As around five years ago, when I received the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Award for Young Scientists 2007, I want to renew my promise to continue my researches hoping that they will be improved and I will do my best for still publishing, and trying to target journals with higher impact factors in the near future.

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